


There are habits that can hinder us from personal growth to think big if you keep indulging in them.
These habits are either from your environment, family and friends. They limit our thoughts and action and they hinder us from moving forward. These habits become part of our lives that they become normal and day-to-day activities and we seem not to be bothered but feel extremely comfortable with where you are. If you look at the people around you, their words and lives are limited that they can’t think big. You will notice worry, anger, aggressiveness, fighting and even murder cases. Do you know this habit affect you? Do you know it’s hard to break through amidst these habits? Do you these habits limit your earning power? These habits stop you from becoming financially free? These habits impact your thinking pattern to think big? These thoughts leave you in debt and you don’t know how to manage these debt issues or even settle them? These thinking pattern makes you work hard for money without thinking of adding value to yourself? With questions, you will know how your thoughts can make you rich or poor and where you inherit your thought pattern from. We must know that reprogramming our thought pattern from thinking small and trivial things to big things is our road to financial freedom.


Procrastination holds you back and pulls you down from moving forward in your life. It’s the act of putting off till later time. It’s when you delay what you ought to do now. When certain factors within your control make you hold-down what you ought to do to achieve your desired result or move your life forward.
You plan to start working on that ideas but you keep deferring it. You plan to start working on that product or services you want to offer that will make your life better but you keep deferring it? You plan to save, invest or start a side hustle to become financially free but you keep deferring it ? Why? You keep postponing it to do it later and forget that time flies and with time, that particular project or vision die because you keep deferring it for worthless reasons that are aimless.
In the midst of this procrastination, comes worthless and valueless excuses that are valid to you. For example, telling yourself you will save later once you are done paying your debt which you never do as more expenses surfaces, you have long list of expenses that your salary is too small for you to save, you need to enjoy your life now because it’s too short and you will save later once you are ready, you will buy into that stocks, bond or mutual funds later, you need to resolve an issue now. You can’t start that business now or you can’t do this or that now for one invalid reason or the other.


Negative thinking hinders a lot of things and stagnate you and tire you down. You never see anything good in anything. Everything is bad and nothing makes sense when are a negative thinker nothing ever work. you can end of failing in everything you do because nothing good comes out of it. everything is see is only now and you never see the future. The future is entirely bleak to you. there are 80% chances that events and people around you mean or yield nothing good to you. These thoughts come easily or with life experience which puts you in bad shape and destabilizes you and stop you from ever producing any good ideas and also expecting the worst case scenarios which introduces disappointment, pessimism, depression, overthinking, find fault in people, failure, mediocrity and a few.
With negative thinking you can’t achieve your goals and everything about goal setting is negative and your thoughts are small and limited and you don’t see far and beyond. This negative thinking affects your health, state of mind and the way you relate with people around you. With these thoughts, you attract the same set of people who see nothing good in thinking big.
These thoughts drain our energy in every area of your life and that’s why nothing good seem to come out of you. It prevents you seeing things that are possible to do now and in the future and makes you tired of life most times.
A friend once told me he can never ever buy into any investment because his father once did and lose and all his money which led to his father’s death so he can never let anything lead into buying into investment. He expresses his negative thought anytime you talk about investment.
These are what negative thoughts do, you never see anything good truly




Worthless and minor problems keep distracting you from thinking big and they don’t allow you to see the bigger picture. These problems take your time and saps your energy and you lost focus to think big or even chase that big dream. These problems preoccupy you and in your heart becomes bigger problem that can’t be solved and it keeps dragging your attention away from good and positive things.


In my past post, (9 WAYS TO INVEST IN YOURSELF; WAYS TO CHANGE YOUR MINDSET ABOUT MONEY) i talked about the impact of friends and families in your growth and habits about money and these set of people go a long way to being a success in life and to getting to that great height in life. Their words which is as a result of their habit formed their decision and this creates their point of view in life which also impacts you and hinder you from thinking big or even ever having goals or chasing anyone. They either support you or destroy you. Your big thought will change lives and destiny and not everyone will see it the way you do. This people will criticize and almost destroy your big dreams with their condemnation because 80%-90% never had one and never believed in one and if not careful that goals die and you live an aimless life like them too
Where you are currently, is a function of the company you keep and where you will also be tomorrow. If you want to be successful, productive and efficient to a level, the company you keep has a part to play.
The right set of friends possess the attributes that leads you to your desired destination. These friends/families have no right network that can influence any area of your life.
Your improvement is built on the right friends you keep and they influence your choice and decision-making most times and help connect with others that can help.
Making friends and hanging out with these set of people can make you tend to poverty and scarcity and no big dreams.
For example; hanging with these sets of friends can’t make you save money, they will talk more about financial challenges and with time you have more financial problems. They will tell you buying into investments is bad. Giving you reasonable points or tells you about all the negative parts of starting a business and the challenges and how it can pack up in one year.
It’s time to review your friends and watch where your advice come from and what they say to you.


Fear has crippled and hinder a lot us from thinking big it affects our being a success or failure. This fear has destroyed lives and destiny. A lot of people could not go into that business because the fear of losses, the fear of the business closing down in less than two years, the fear of the known and unknown, giving power to your thoughts to feed you with more of the bad part than the good it has to offer you. The fear cripples your mind with valid reasons not to invest and as you keep procrastinating the vision to dream big and become financially free dies. For every step, you want to take to achieve that big dream this fear comes in with better reasons not to venture into and it breaks you down and you accept your status quo. Your decision-making
it hinders our every steps, thoughts and action. Your decision-making experiences the challenges of fear because of the negative advices from friends and families and the negative thoughts that preoccupy your mind.


Big thinking requires time and commitment to achieve your dreams. Time to plan it out and how to go about it and what to do, who to talk to, advice and decisions to make. But if the time is not there, failure will surely surface. If no time to acquire the knowledge about the business or investment you want to buy into, the chances are high that you might likely fail. The time is a vital key to thinking big if the time is not there to think, meditate, plan and acquire the knowledge for that big dreams you are ending


There are many more factors not included and you might even know more but these are vital factors that are limits you from thinking big. Will you break or fight these limitations? Will you let your life remain the same? Will you continue to live from paycheck to paycheck? It’s time to think and meditate and break this barriers that have held you down from start that business, buying into that investment or running after that project. You can tell about your personal limitations from thinking big and did you break forth from anyone and how you did it.


RAWLINGS BLOG is about finance, business, short-stories, technology, biography,motivation and personal development. email:Rawlingsunday@yahoo.com FB: Rawlings okpaloafe twitter:Rawlingsunday watsapp:+2347011832778
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  1. wow bro , you written well about limitations to thinking big. Ofcourse , what you written over is right and good info. by the way.

  2. Vox says:

    You’re right; you must have the right frame of mind in order to go after our big dreams. The good news is that every day is a nice opportunity to do better and to strangle all the negative thoughts and behaviors and to achieve what we desire. Thanks for reminding me to stay focused on what I really want!

  3. Leslie Nichole says:

    I’ve had a few of these trip me up a time or two. I like stopping by, your posts are always great and I always learn something new either consciously or unconsciously, if that makes any sense at all.

  4. PKaurK says:

    Negativity is definitely a big one, I know in the past there have been many times I have talked myself out of doing something because I thought nothing could come of it. The right frame of mind is so important.

  5. Absolutely Correct! Especially habits & negative thinking. I was working with this lady to create a business plan and at first she admired the idea however, she soon she no longer wanted because our idea was very much to a similiar business in our community. I feel as if we couldve done better not trying to be vain but fearing competition and failure will only keep you in the same place as you are for a very long time.

    • Fear of failure and what competitors could and have achieved over the years did not make the vision a reality. The voices in her head filled her with negative thoughts and reasons why she will fail but she never thought of the good things at the other side.

  6. Yulianna says:

    Great post! Thank you! Totally agree with you.

  7. Sunday swart says:

    Negative thinking and fear are the top limitations to think big. Hoped you impacted some lives with this.

  8. Very useful and helpful information! I will definitely share your words with my clients!

  9. I love this post! Your mind is so important to your success. If you believe you can do it, then you’re half way there. If I’m being honest, I sometimes fall victim of not thinking big enough due to many of these things especially fear and negative thinking. As I continue to work on this flaw, I’ll keep this post near to remind me to think positive and big. Thanks!

    • That’s really wonderful . This flaws come in form of distractions too. Taking your mind away from your visions and killing it. Am happy you know them now and work on them to overcome them. You can reblog for others to read.

  10. Gina says:

    Very insightful and inspiring. We all need to find out what is holding us back. My mine problem is procrastination.

  11. Kat says:

    Great reminders that it takes hard work and there are many obstacles to success.

  12. NashwaNader says:

    To the point! I totally agree especially with procrastination. It will be my 2018 new year’s resolution to be more proactive. 🙂
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Anthony says:

    Nice one my brother keep it up

  14. Different Frame of Mind says:

    Very good, helpful and useful information. This post definitely make me think! 😊

  15. bettynjeru says:

    I shoud put that away procrastination.
    Great post!

  16. naturaleeashlee says:

    This was an interesting read. To make this post even better, I suggest adding links to the prior posts when you mention them.

  17. Twinkle Gaur says:

    This is such a great and insightful article. I agree with your reflections. Thanks for sharing this.

  18. Very true and well pointed out.

  19. Dominika says:

    Ofcourse Rawlings, hanging around friends who only complain about financial challenges can temper with our money mindset. Thank you for sharing.


  20. Man… how right you are about the thinking process. You must think great thoughts and surround yourself with positive thinking people who help you grow. This post is right on.

  21. Amanda Jenkins says:

    This is great! I like the part about fear, you are so right! Fear can hold us back from so many things!

  22. Wonderful post I agree with your point

  23. A very thought provoking post.

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