For your financial freedom, you must be financially aware and look for ways to turn your financial woes around. Its time to start running your finance like your business and start knowing where you stand and what to do to turn your finance around. You need to start managing your money well, like knowing what goes out, what comes in, budgeting, when you have excess cash, what to do with excess cash, delaying gratification, and many more,
The road to financial freedom needs disciplined actions, financial plan and steps to break from the rat race and flee the paycheck to paycheck lifestyle.
Now than never is the time to start planning by thinking of your financial freedom and how to go about it. you need to plan for financial freedom and think start thinking of how not to get financially worried or stress about money. Now is the time to start aiming for that goal.
For your financial freedom you must ask yourself why you are not thinking about your financial future and freedom? Why you are where you are? How to be on track to your financial freedom. What you ought to do and what you ought not to. If you have not been taking charge of your finance, you need to know why you are not doing that and why is money controlling you and not you are controlling money.
Now is the time to get rid of all your toxic thoughts, your excuses and face the reality and plan your way to financial freedom. Your financial stress and woes can’t be resolved in a day, but take necessary steps and actions needed to resolve these financial struggle and project for the future. With little steps, things easily turn around for good and you will realize those days are gone but its important you make up your mind today to achieve your desired freedom.
For you to start thinking of your financial freedom, you need to sit down and make decision to become financially free and plan for your retirement
If you worry about your finance, how you work your ass off that job with stress in traffic, sometimes lateness to work, stress from the work, debt accumulated and many more, now is the time to value your financial freedom and plan for future retirement early. Now is the time to pay attention to your finance and be more detailed about your spending and think of goals for yourself.
now is the time to let go of the things holding you back, think of ways to move forward. People are really planning their financial freedom to do what they love and to retire early while you still have these set of people who still struggle with their finance and the job they hate and never think of their financial freedom till they get knocked by that job and they begin to face the reality thereof and begin to begin to pick the pieces thereof.
Your financial freedom today is your choice. It’s the decisions and action-mentality towards making that great change. Your journey towards financial freedom is about overhauling yourself and taking small steps each day towards achieving set goals that changes everything forever.
You must take control and take charge of your finance and become aware of your financial woes and know that your knowledge leads to your financial freedom. You need to know that you need to acquire skills and financial education to work towards your financial freedom to set yourself free from paycheck to paycheck lifestyle.
If you don’t take the necessary action today to plan towards your financial freedom how will your financial future be tomorrow? What will tell yourself about what you have done to yourself and how you are left in financial bad shape. Not working towards your financial can either put you in harms way, make you struggle for long, not being able to make your dream a reality, tearing your family apart and many more.
When you achieve financial freedom, you worry less about money, you don’t struggle paycheck to paycheck, your finance is organized and well-planned, you know where your money is going to and what you achieved with it so far and your next financial goals to set or achieve. Your expenses are well managed, and you can easily differentiate between your needs and your wants.
As said earlier, your financial freedom gives you that freedom from the mental slavery of your job, debt, freedom to follow your passion and chase that dream of yours that you have longed for.
What is this financial freedom I have stressed about? What is it about? How do you go about it? what is hindering your financial freedom? Why do you struggle to achieve it? why are you not really getting it right? Why have you tried a lot of things that seem not to work towards your financial freedom yet? Have you been on the right path? Where are you so far? what have you achieved in your road to your financial freedom?


                                              WHAT IS FINANCIAL FREEDOM?

It is breaking the financial barrier and worry less about money. It’s about not living paycheck to paycheck and not being stressed about your finance. it’s about being who you are, who you want to be and where you want to be. Its about become a different personality entirely from your past and become a better person financially. It’s about growing, improving and becoming successful to be financially free. It’s an ability not to rely on an income. Its an income that do not make you rely on your job financially again. Its about having more cash flow to match your expenses. It’s about having financial plans and setting financial goals and not being financially stressed again. It’s about chasing your passion and not being financially worried.

I know you must now have a better insight into what being financial free is all about and what you really need to know about it. Why you really need to think of your financial freedom. Why you need to flee the rat-race to become financially free. Now than never you need to start planning towards your retirement and think of your passion to worry less about money.
You are never too old or young to start thinking towards your financial freedom and start planning with taking small steps to help achieve your financial freedom. To achieve it, you must be financially aware of where you are, overhauling your thought-pattern, be goal oriented and action- mentality. You must be that kind of person that is determined to flee paycheck to paycheck lifestyle. You must be entirely tired of your financial struggle and wants a turn around to achieve financial freedom. That is what FINANCIAL FREEDOM is all about.


RAWLINGS BLOG is about finance, business, short-stories, technology, biography,motivation and personal development. email:Rawlingsunday@yahoo.com FB: Rawlings okpaloafe twitter:Rawlingsunday watsapp:+2347011832778
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  1. WE are working on paying off all of our debt and getting to financial freedom. It will be nice once we don’t have that debt tying us down anymore.

  2. It’s definitely easy to rack up debt, and not always so easy to pay it off. Eliminating our debt is something we are working on and are almost there! The next step will be to maintain that freedom, haha.

  3. It’s very hard to move on with a debt hanging over your head. All it takes is the first step to begin a journey of freedom.

  4. The Beauty Flicks says:

    Very informative article. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Jessica May says:

    My husband and I are in the middle of getting our financial freedom in order. Its been an uphill battle but we are getting there!

  6. Emma Riley says:

    Now, this is such a great post and very informative. Everybody needs to have financial freedom, it will let the stress out of anybody.

  7. I like the way you explained things. Keep inspiring.

  8. natalielovesbeauty says:

    Saving for your retirement as early as possible is key to having financial freedom! I am so glad I have started saving!

  9. I don’t have any debt at the moment but i am not financially free just yet! i don’t have enough savings aside!

  10. natalieast963 says:

    Financial Freedom is so important! It’s why I continue to do a 9-5 and also blog, to have the most flexibility while still being creative. xo, Natalie http://nataliastyleblog.com

  11. Elisabeth says:

    I love how you deal this topic. Financial freedom is really important but unfortunately, only a few people can enjoy it for a long period of time…

  12. Kiwi says:

    I wish there was more literacy on how to keep yourself out of debt more when you are younger. We all do deserve financial freedom!

  13. Nobody wants to worry about money, and doesn’t mean we need a big fat portfolio. Working hard and saving plus living a thrifty lifestyle works.

  14. Tara says:

    Financial Freedom is the GOAL, of course they say it is not a goal if you don’t have a time set to reach it by. But for me that is definitely the goal and to call in to Dave Ramsey’s show and yell “I’m Debt Free”…. oh it seems so far away.

  15. Natalie Rose says:

    Great post very motivating.

  16. JessGenevieve says:

    I have been financially independent since I left home at the age of 15. I have lived paycheque to paycheque ever since. I am now freelancing and making a living out of my passions in Chiang Mai, Thailand… I’m still living paycheque to paycheque but I’m getting closer and closer to financial freedom. I think it’s important to pair freedom with passion! If chasing financial freedom means spending years and years doing something that wastes your years of LIVING, much is lost. You’re absolutely right, freedom is of utmost importance. It is also important to be aware of what we pay for such freedom, in my opinion 🙂

    • Financial freedom don’t happen overnight but a process as a result of steps taken and action mentality to break free from the mindset of being broke, break out of debt and stop a lifestyle of paycheck to paycheck lifestyle.Thanks

  17. This topic is an eye-opener for me. Financial freedom and financial planning are very important! As a family we have a goal, and we are set on it! Even if it means not eating out for a few months, or shopping for clothes, but being debt free is awesome!

  18. deesignplay says:

    Financial planning is so critical for long term happiness! Great article and very well articulated tips o nfinancial freedom!

  19. Marjorie Bill says:

    Debt is so easy to accumulate but so tough to pay off. Financial planning really helps tame that debt monster.

    • That is totally undeniable. Once you resolve your debt, create budget for your finance and plan well financially with discipline, you will be on your way to financial freedom.Thanks

  20. sammiwyett79 says:

    My husband and I are trying to pay off our debt, it is so hard. But that is the only way to have financial freedom.

  21. Financial freedom is something that everyone should aim for. No matter how much we earn, we should always focus on saving some money. I love how you presented this post. Great job.

  22. Can’t agree more to this! Personally, i think the earlier one starts the better so im sure this is informative to many

  23. Surabhi says:

    Very Informative. thank you for sharing with us. Helpful. )

  24. I have been working towards a financial freedom! I have a goal of debt free, paid for house, a hefty savings, and retirement by 55. I am on my way!

  25. I couldnt agree more. the younger the better.

  26. Nicole says:

    I wish we were 100% there, but we’re not yet. Making smarter choices and having the mindset that we want financial freedom had made all the difference in our progress.

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